This poem about temptations is pulled from the archives of 2004. More after the poem:
A decision is set firm
In the depths of my mind
I go through life aware
Of what to set behind
I talk and preach
Of what I do not do
And say what others
Should not pursue
I live my life with
My mind on straight
And set out from the beginning
With what to hate
A passion burns
Within my heart
Of what I never
Wish to start
And I move in life
With a place to point
To a place where
I shall not disappoint
And that one thing
Stares me in the face
And without the strength of Christ
I’ll do what I distaste.
We all struggle with sin
We all have issues with sin. I recall a case where I was talking to a child at summer camp that kept on misbehaving. I asked him if he knew Jesus personally and frustrated, he said that he had prayed to receive Christ seven times. I said to him that he does not need to pray to 'receive' Christ again, he has to work out his salvation in Christ. That is, the fact that he is struggling with sin is a sign that you are saved. Unregenerate people have no conscience of the tiny poke of sin in their mind. This poem details that it is the power of Christ that keeps us from sin. If we focus on Christ, we will decrease the likelihood of sin. If we focus on the flesh, we increase our chances of sin. Be strong and avoid sin.