The Magic Bullet

Americans are always looking for a magic bullet.  Whether it is money, health, or spiritual growth.  We can spot these all around us if we look, and I know that there was a time when I was a victim of the mentality myself.  I was in college studying biology, chemistry, physics and the like.  

An Open Letter in Our Mind-Numbed Age

For today's article, I wanted to resurrect a letter that I wrote almost five years ago.  To set the stage, I had just graduated with my doctors degree and I was teaching at Bucknell University.  I was always in contact with several of my teachers from High School and I noticed that my old principal was still at the school, so I sent an email detailing my academic accomplishments.

The End is (not) Near

The world is abounding with news of the end of the world. Some people are really freaked out about it and others are comically planning 'End of the World' parties. That is expected as Peter says that scoffers will come and make light of the end of the world predictions (2 Peter 3:3-9). But Christ says that no one will know when the end will arise (Matthew 24:36). So I do believe we are in the final days, but that could days, months, or even years off yet. I do not know for sure and neither does any appropriately educated Christian.

Bullets echo through the halls of schools, the corridors of malls, and the darkness of theaters. Gun control proponents scream to 'get guns out of American society!' and the world breaks into tears wondering why this would happen...again, and then someone, probably an agnostic, asks if there is a Good God, how could He let this happen? This is a very fair question, but one that is often met with the wrong answer in America today.

The Cedars are the beautiful trees of Lebanon which were used in the Lords temple created by Solomon.  They are magnificent trees considered of high value in the Holy Land.  The Cedars category comes from the study title that an old pastor of mine used as a method for discipleship. 

Christmas is Coming...Like it or Not!

Every year now Christmas is getting harder and harder of a season to accept.  Apart from our materialistic approach to shopping (which to the best of my knowledge is generally referred to as 'Christmas Shopping' even still), we have taken the season and done what first century Israel did...we told Jesus there was no room for Him anywhere.