Shaped by the Ways of the World | Daily Walk 143

Today we want to talk about having a mission and following the Holy Spirit even when the world seems to suggest we should be doing something else. Sometimes a church or a book might tell us something that is contrary to what the Spirit has given us. Do not let that distract you. In short, do not let the ways of the world distract you from what God has given you to do.
#WayOfTheWorld #Proverbs #DailyWalk

Proverbs 3:5
Ephesians 2:10


Embrace the Five Solas | Daily Walk 142

We often talk of reformation, and in order to achieve that goal, we need to understand the solas that started the first reformation. When we understand the truth behind where the reformation occured, reformation will occur on its own. Are you ready to embrace the Five Solas?
#FiveSolas #Reformation #Protestants

-Sola Scriptura
-Sola Fide
-Sola Gratia
-Sola Christus
-Sola Deo Gloria


Choose to Follow God | Daily Walk 141

Isaiah gives us a message of blessing for choosing to follow God. We will learn why, even though we are Christians, we still need to actively choose to follow God’s laws. God gives us blessings and rewards and peace when we seek His ways.
#Isaiah #Blessings #Christians



Pride and Judgement | Daily Walk 140

Our culture has become prideful. We think all things will keep going as they always have; we think we are too big, too powerful to fall. But God has other ideas. Are we standing on the brink of #judgment? Today we will discuss a message delivered by #Isaiah.


Is God on America’s Side:

The Church in Babylon:


Coming To Your Senses | Daily Walk 139

This video focuses on the lost son who ‘comes to his senses’ and recognizes that he is suffering the consequences of sin. My encouragement today is do not radically desroy your body on a whim because of social narratives. Take some time to think through your decisions.
#JamesShupe #Parables #ProdicalSon



The Burning Brnahces | Daily Walk 138

Today we will look at the two difficult seeds in the Parable of the Sower and ask if they are really saved? What does the rest of the Bible have to say?
#Parables #Sower #Salvation

-Matthew 13
-Luke 3
-John 15


The Basis for Discernment | Daily Walk 137

When people come to Christ, the first piece of advice often given to them is to find a ‘Good, Bible-believing Church.’ But how does one find such a church without knowledge of what the Bible teaches? In this video, I will talk about how we learn to determine what a good church is, and what the marks are that we are actually saved.
#Discernment #Cults #Salvation


The Gospel Requires Obedience | Daily Walk 136

There is an idea in the world that we can live our own way and still be a Christian. The Bible is very clear, and we will learn from Jesus today from Luke 14, that we cannot call ourselves Christian if we are not willing to do the things Christ calls us to do. You cannot hold onto Christ and the world at the same time. Which do you pick?

-Luke 14
-Matthew 7
-1 Corinthians 9


Was Jesus Born in December | Daily Walk 135

Many #Christians believe Jesus was born in #December, of course, that is His birthday! But was it really? Today we go through some of the information presented in Happy Hellidays describing why Jesus was likely not born in December.

Happy Hellidays


Morality is Not the Majority | Daily Walk 134

Polls are becoming more popular in the Christian world and as more polls come out, some people want to use them to justify changing our beliefs to what the majority believes, but a poll cannot tell us truth, they only tell us where we are. This discussion looks at where morality really comes from.
#Morality #Polls #Truth

-Matthew 7

I AM not amused


What Is Discipleship | Daily Walk 133

In this Daily Walk we will at what #discipleship is and why it is important for our #Christian life. We will discuss what it is, what it is not, and why the Western church is not very good at it.

-Matthew 28


Do You Have Fellowhip | Daily Walk 132

Fellowship is important to our Christian walk in that we can help each other in our struggles, but also our Christian doctrine. In this video we talk about the importance of fellowship and where to get it.
#Fellowship #Doctrine #Church

– Acts
– Hebrews

Hezekiah’s Prayer:


Understanding the Opposion | Daily Walk 131

In order to take a solid theological stance on any matter, we must understand the opposing views. For Christians, it is deeply important that we understand what the Bible teaches by learning the various opinions, even to the point of being able to defend them. Failure to learn the opposition will show us to not be able to even defend our own viewpoint correctly.
#Theology #Opposition #Discernment


The Planet Will End in Fire | Daily Walk 130

There has been a resurgence in the false viewpoint that our task as people is to improve the planet, either for the betterment of our society, or to help usher in the return of Christ. This view has seen a resurgence because of the modern day focus on Climate Change. The reality according to Scripture is that the world will end in fire, and it will be God’s doing. While we need to do our best as stewards of the earth’s resources, the resources are to be used to expand the Kingdom of God to save souls before the end.

#ClimateChange #ReturnOfChrist #EndTimes

– 2 Peter


What Is Truth? | Daily Walk 129

When #Jesus was on trial before Pontus Pilate, He was asked the question we all ask at some poitn in time: What is #Truth? This Daily Walk looks at #postmodernism and anti-truth in the modern era and how that aligns with the Scriptures.



The Cause of Shallow Christianity | Daily Walk 128

What is the reason for the rapid decline in #Christian maturity in our churches? Today I talk about what I think is causing such a trend, mostly boiling down to us giving away our #responsibility to learn the #Bible to other people instead of being dedicated to such dedication ourselves.

-2 Timothy

The Wisdom of Crowds: https://amzn.to/2WKamXC
The Vision of the Annointed: https://amzn.to/33jjtkC


We Are Not To Strive For Grace | Daily Walk 127

In our modern church we are focusing too much on grace. Grace is a wonderful and powerful thing in the Christian life, but it is what we give our children when they mess up. We should be striving to follow God with all our heart causing less sin in our life as we mature in Christ. Less sin means less grace over time, which is a good thing!
#Grace #HyperGrace #Romans

– Romans


How to Obtain World Peace | Daily Walk 126

People talk about wanting to obtain world peace, but they do not want to accept the one thing that causes world peace: The Knowledge of the Lord. From Isaiah, we find the future of life when the whole world knows God.
#WorldPeace #Isaiah #KnowledgeOfGod



Rejecting the Old Ways | Daily Walk 125

Some people today believe the progressive way of life is better than following the ramblings of an old book written thousands of years ago, but that is simply not true. Today we tell you why from the book of Jeremiah.
#Bible #Jeremiah #Christianity

– Jeremiah
– Romans


Confessing Our Sins to Plants? | Daily Walk 124

Union Seminary in New York City recently brought plants into the classroom to have the seminary students confess their sins to them in the name of climate change. This is a very clear example of what the Apostle Paul said we do, and the consequences are terrible. Listen in on what happened on what we can do about it.
#UnionSeminary #Revelation #Confession

– Romans 1
– Hebrews 3
– Hebrews 10
– Jeremiah 31